Call 972.438.9177 or stop by the store at 1000 West Airport Freeway Irving, TX. 75062 for more information!
Pizza and Bday cake will be served!
Come celebrate the birthdays of members and staff for the month of May. Birthday cake will be served.
HOLIDAY OPEN HOUSE Saturday, November 13th at 9am to 1pm. Join us at Office Depot "Workonomy Door Entrance" 1000 W. Airport Fwy, Irving, TX 75062 Free gift for attending!!! RSVP…
Kicking off the new year with our 3rd Custom T-shirt Basic’s Class! Come out and learn the basics of how to make custom vinyl T-shirt’s. Learn what equipment you need…
Free yoga class
Mastermind Session Nov. 16th 10:00am-11:30am
Networking event with food and wine.
Yoga & Meditation Class
Cake and ice cream
Yoga and meditaion. Donations wil be accepted.
Yoga and meditation class. This is a free class but donations will be accepted. Space is limited so please RSVP.
Mastermind Session
This will be a FaceBook Live event! The topic will be Seasonal Affected Disorder.
Come celebrate our first Christmas in our new coworking.
Came have cake to celebrate our December Birthdays
A user friendly "playshop" using live acoustic and prerecorded music to sharpen goals overcome fears and overcome obstacles that can manifest as stress
Kristy Westerman Mary Kay Indep. Beauty Consultant call or text: 972.859.9462 email: website: Shop with me 24/7 in your PJ's.
Irving ISD Staff Meeting
Inviting real estate agents to come visit and work at our office for the day! Luch will be provided along with door prizes! Guild Mortgage will be cosponsor with us…